
Summer Event 2024


Real growth is more than numbers - sometimes it’s about sharing emotions face-to-face with our colleagues. 

Last week, the stunning Otranto was the backdrop for an extraordinary event: our Summer Event 2024. These two days were filled with energy, enthusiasm, and a vibrant atmosphere that truly embodied our company’s Culture Code. It was a time to reconnect in person after countless video meetings and rediscover the spirit that unites us. 

The event was a success, thanks to meticulous organization and the enthusiastic participation of everyone involved. A special shoutout goes to Mark Lohweber, adesso SE Group CEO, and Hansjörg Süess, Business Area Lead for Central Europe CE & Nordics, for sharing this remarkable experience with us. Their presence highlighted the significance of our event and the bright future we are building together. 

Thank you once again to everyone who made the Summer Event 2024 unforgettable! 

See video: Click here.